FREE 90-Minute Training

Real Estate God's Way


8 of Our Favorite Ways to Invest in Real Estate

Without Using Your Own Money


Real Estate God's Way


8 of Our Favorite Ways to Invest in Real Estate

Without Using Your Own Money

Wed Oct 4th 11AM Pacific

Dear Kingdom Entrepreneur,

As Billy Graham once prophesied.

“One of the next great moves of God is going to be through the believers in the marketplace”

Now is the time to RISE UP and be the change and be a part of this move of God.

Now is the time to grow your income producing skills so that you can take dominion over the earth and take territory for His purpose.

To build His Kingdom…we need to first build our income producing skills.

Imagine having the surplus to send kids on mission trips, feed the hungry, expand your church building, & more.

We are called to be the light and be generous…but the problem is that many Christians are living paycheck to paycheck.

If you’re reading this you’ve probably tried a few things and seen a lot online…

The one thing we know is that your “vehicle” or business model matters.

If you’ve ever felt like you’ve been spinning your wheels getting nowhere financially… you are not alone.

All you need is the RIGHT business model with the RIGHT mentors in your corner who can show you the exact step by step process for growing your income producing skills.

So what IS the right vehicle to build generational wealth?

Did you know that real estate was responsible for creating 75% of all of the millionaires in the last 10 years?

Whether you’re looking to create income part time as you focus on your “main thing” or you decide to go ALL IN and do real estate full time…real estate is the fast track.

My wife Claudia and I have been quietly building up our real estate portfolio on a mission to be able to one day “reverse tithe” and give 90% of our income and live on the 10%.

As entrepreneurs, we know the importance of having the right mentor in your corner to coach you to success faster.

My mission is to teach you the strategies that I’ve personally learned in my real estate investing career and I’ve trained over 30,000 students all across the United States.

You are called for such a time as this.

You are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people!

Click to Join Our Free Training and together let’s create more financial, time, and location freedom together!

Jeff Rutkowski

Jeff Rutkowski

CEO of Kingdom 320
Real Estate Investor

This is a free masterclass training
Free Live Training

That will teach you...

1. How to raise money for real estate transactions:

After training over 30,000 students all over this great nation the #1 question that I get asked the most is…

“Jeff, how do I find the money to invest in real estate?”

I’m going to share 8 of my favorite ways to raise money so that you can do more real estate deals.

2. You're sitting on a goldmine:

I’m going to help you discover ways to invest in real estate that are already available to you…you just may not know it yet!

Statistically speaking, most people are sitting on non-performing assets and the only thing they are lacking is the right strategy and know how to start generating income.

Let’s help you turn stagnant assets that aren’t producing anything…into income producing assets.

3. "BRRRRR" Method:

Wouldn’t it be nice to own your 1st or next rental property without needing any of your own money? 

You don’t need credit and shoot, you don’t even need to be able to qualify for a bank loan!

  • Buy a house – you can do this without your own money or credit
  • Rehab the home – leverage other people’s money
  • Rent it out – generate passive income
  • Refinance – pull cash out tax free
  • Repeat  – when it works so well, why stop at 1?
  • Relax – creating more freedom is a nice feeling, isn’t it!?

4. Create Long Term Passive Income:

This is one of my favorite topics and I love helping others create more freedom.

Caution: I’m probably going to be extra fired up teaching this!

Did you know that real estate was responsible for 75% of all millionaires created in the last 10 years? (According to the Global Wealth Report 2021)

Passive Income Definition: “Earnings from rental property which a person is not actively involved.”

Also known as: “MailBox Money” 

Meet Your

Real Estate Investor & Top Trainer:

Jeff Rutkowski

Jeff learned at a very young age that God had a call on his life to “fund the Kingdom” and his vehicle of choice is real estate….

For the past 8 years Jeff has personally coached and trained over 30,000 people across the United States on how to leverage a simple system to “find” and create “profit” from real estate deals without ever having to own the property or use their own cash.

In addition to training students all over the country Jeff has amassed a real estate portfolio that creates more passive income than his expenses and he is able to live in total freedom.

Early in 2022 he felt God calling him to continue teaching and training real estate but to do it specially for the faith based community.

He believes that Chrisitians must learn to create wealth and take territory, literally, for the Kingdom of God.

In March of 2022, he partnered with Nick & Megan Unsworth and formed Kingdom 320, LLC with the mission of creating 1 million Christian millionaires across the United States.

Jeff currently lives in San Diego California with his wife Claudia and daughters Julianna and Ava.

They are faithful members of Awaken Church and part of the leadership team with the mission of expanding the church to 16 locations across San Diego.

Jeff Rutkowski Has Trained

Thousands of Every Day People to Profit with Real Estate

See What Others Have Said About Jeff’s Training…

“My whole life I felt called to fund the Kingdom and Jeff helped me go from completely broke to completely free and living the life of Kingdom Abundance and I’m able to give more than I used to make!”

- John Laychak
Lucy Emmolo

Jeff Rutkowski has been a life saver for me! I have talked about going into real estate for such a long time but was too scared to make a move. Jeff not only has taken the time to teach me from step one, but has been a huge encourager and with that I was able to finally make my move! 

Jeff helped me reach my goal in purchasing my very first rental property. Because of Jeff’s guidance and expertise my first investment has been such a big win! I have been blessed to work with the best and I am looking forward to my next investment which is right around the corner!

- Lucy Emmolo

Sheldon Morgan

I have been amazed with the growth and professional knowledge of Jeff over the years. I have watched him lead multiple seminars, sharing his knowledge with a passion that you can only have by loving what you do. 

I am convinced that Jeff will not be fulfilled until everyone connected to him embodies the principles that he teaches day in and day out. I cannot recommend a better coach if you are interested in creating wealth in real estate.

- Sheldon Morgan

Colin Higgenbottom

Jeff has been a catalyst for helping us build our real estate portfolio. 

He has helped us understand the value of leveraging equity in our existing property to grow that into cash flowing assets in single family, vacation rentals and multi family properties. 

He is a trusted coach and lives what he preaches.

- Colin Higgenbottom

Charles & Tessa Fuller

Jeff Rutkowski has been a phenomenal coach, he is extremely knowledgeable with decades of experience. He guided us through what was totally unknown to us and made it one of the smoothest processes we could have ever imagined; converting my dad's home into a rental property. 

He found the investors, he found the property managers, he found an excellent contractor to do the renovations, and in a quick short period of time we were able to get long term renters. 

We became profitable very quickly. I would highly recommend anyone looking to invest in real estate to start with Jeff Rutkowski.

- Charles & Tessa Fuller

Pastor Jon Heinrichs

Jeff Rutkowski is a wealth of knowledge in all things real estate. 

Whether it’s evaluating properties in any asset class, predicting successful markets, finding the best loans, partnering with property managers or getting creative to close deals, his wisdom and ability to execute is second to none.

- Pastor Jon Heinrichs

Rex Crain

I’ve had the privilege of learning from Jeff over the last 3 years. His insight into the real estate industry has made a huge impact on me and my friends. 

His knowledge has enlarged my vision of what’s possible and given me practical tools to profit financially by investing in real assets that cash flow and create freedom. 

I have today a winning mentality and strategy to win in the years to come. Thank you, Jeff!

- Rex Crain

You know why we love Kingdom 320 and Jeff? It is because everything that Jeff is teaching is the same thing that we have been doing but Jeff put it into an actual platform teaching people exactly how to do it.

- Jason & David Benham

Real Estate Investors & TV Superstars

Two and a half years ago, I wish I could’ve started back and gotten Jeff as my personal mentor. I couldn’t imagine where I’d be at, at this point.

- Troy

Diving into real estate led me into knowing Jeff Rutkowski, and he became my first coach. After he helped me land my first deal, we went on and on and on. Jeff drove me and inspired me to go past my fears.

- Bill Hook

In 2020 I left my Job as a mortgage loan officer and shifted to being a full time real estate investor. We have successfully flipped a few houses and have continued to buy rental properties... In about a month I’ll personally own about 15 rental units.

- Nathan A.

I'm so happy and proud to have Jeff Rutkowski as our real estate mentor. One of the most important things he teaches: GET INTO THE GAME. Thank you, Jeff. God bless you, brother, for doing this.

- Eric

There's close to $45,000 to $50,000 of profit in there for me... Coach Eric and Jeff and everybody else at Kingdom 320, thank you so much for saving my life; that I can actually leave a pharmacy profession and just immerse myself in this new world of real estate... thank you so much.

- Neels

Through connections at our church, we found out that Jeff Rutkowski was launching his Kingdom 320 program. We knew that he's a guy we can trust, so we jumped into the program. He is extremely knowledgeable and wise in the real estate arena.

- Garrison

I submitted to a full immersion with Jeff Rutkowski July of 2021 and 6 months after that, I was able to successfully establish my first passive income stream. I wholeheartedly recommend Kingdom 320.

- Robert

Jeff encouraged and spoke life into me. He inspired me to step out in faith. I wouldn't have created and launched my business at such a young age without Jeff's help.

- Nick

Thank you so much for making this learning experience. It's been really memorable. I hope to continue and grow more in it.

- Techi

What an amazing journey, so far! So glad I joined this program, and in just a few weeks I have accumulated so much knowledge in real estate that might have taken me decades to learn.

- Giscard

I knew I had to be a part of Kingdom 320 because of Jeff Rutkowski. He poured his heart into this program. I love the fact that Kingdom 320 is a Christian-based organization.

- Ronnie

It's wonderful to see how God is working through Jeff and the entire Kingdom 320 community. This program really enriches your life.

- Matthew

I'm so glad to be a part of Kingdom 320. It's a great way to learn about real estate. Jeff breaks down the real estate possibilities in such a way that is easy to follow and implement.

- Joe

Jeff, thank you for the value you bring and for letting the Lord use you to represent the Kingdom. God bless you, Nick and Megan for making all these possible.

- DJ

I recently signed up for the Kingdom 320 program and can’t believe how amazing the program was. The website is so user-friendly and the step-by-step instructional videos and coaching calls on how to find and set up deals are incredible.

- Tina

One of the best decisions I've made for my business is joining the Kingdom 320 mentorship program. It gave me a lot of confidence knowing that the leaders that I look up to were led by God.

- Christine

Jeff has been an awesome mentor to me. I'm so excited that his embarking on this program and he's mentoring other people. Thanks to you, Jeff, my success keeps on growing every single day.

- Eric

I knew that in order for me to succeed, I needed a mentor. So I called Jeff, and Jeff had been the loudest voice in my life regarding real estate.

- Lucy

We've learned a ton. Didn't really know much about real estate at all... On our own, we wouldn't be where we are or sure. We needed the education.

- Clayton and Dawn Vanverth

We really believe that God put this in our path. If you're on the fence, I would say look into Kingdom 320, see what they have to offer because it's just a tremendous resource in learning how to invest in real estate.

- Chris Serrioz

It's one thing to give me the material and the theory, but it's another thing to have someone I can walk with, lean on whenever I do walk into a deal. I can call up a coach. The coaches are amazing and available, and that makes it feel like you're not alone. And I think that's the best part. It is a no-brainer.

- Hamed Trashorras Cruz

I would like to encourage many believers out there to partner with Kingdom 320, because this is the only business that I know of that works with Godly principles... Welcome to Kingdom 320. You will not regret it. You'll thank me later.

- Lilian Mwikali

The most valuable thing that I've gotten from this program would be the variety of experiences from so many people...I love the community, I love the coaches and I love the variety of coaches that are available to us.

- Jeffrey Kiu

I was frustrated with my nursing career and I was honestly just in prayer to God like I need more than this...I got done praying, picked up my phone, opened up Instagram. Immediately it was a reel and it was Jeff talking about doing business God's way.

- Kristina Keene

If you want to learn and educate yourself about getting into real estate investing, this is it. Doing it in a way with a group of people that are like-minded as you... get the support, get the training, get the mentorship. It is great. It's worked very well for me.

- Susan Luna

I joined Kingdom 320 in August 2023. It gives all aspects. It gives all opportunities... It's just endless, the amount of opportunities that are provided through the ministry.

- Michelle De La Pena

I joined Kingdom 320 in September 2023. Do it. It's the best thing we've ever done. It's faith-based. It's family. I have looked and looked and looked and looked for a way to work from home, a way to enhance and advance our financial freedom, and this is the path. There is no doubt. It is real, it's sincere, It is real, it's sincere, and there's nothing fake about it.

- Debbie Beard

For me personally, what I get out of it the most is just feeling closer to God than I've ever felt in my entire life...God is here. God is speaking through all of these people.

- Taryn Webber

We've only been in it a couple of weeks and I've received more information and more knowledge than I have in two, three years with other coaches and programs...Everybody we've spoken to thus far, whether they’re students or coaches, has so much information to give you and everybody's willing to help. I love that.

- Joey Torres

Having the security that everybody's a believer and it's not a dog-eat-dog world, that's just a piece that you can't get anywhere else.

- Jeanette Watje

I didn't know how financially I'm going to be able to do this, but he provided. Absolutely, 100% provided. And this was the best decision I've made so might as well invest in your future and invest in the community and in the kingdom.

- Lisa Phillips

I love the term "workship"... focusing on our worship, not just our work. And just the amount of knowledge and passion that Jeff has around real estate, already it's just infusing in me.

- Nate Bitner

I encourage people, especially if they're just starting out, to take that first step. Don't be scared...we know it's time.

- Chuck Snow

I love how they put God first and bring God into the marketplace...just being able to align with other Christians and share God's love in our work is so powerful and goes along with the company I own in Denver. It's been a ministry first.

- Marnie Biln

Jeff just brought it to life in such a boldness that I was just drawn to that...This program has given me so much vision for what is to come... Just the step-by-step processes can clearly make success happen so much faster than doing it on our own.

- Genevieve Moya and Mariah Dickerson

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Real Estate God's Way



Wednesday October 4th at 11AM Pacific
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Earnings and income representations made by Life on Fire, Nick Unsworth, Kingdom 320, Jeff Rutkowski, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers (collectively, “Life on Fire / Kingdom 320 Programs”) are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Nick Unsworth, Life on Fire, Jeff Rutkowski & Kingdom 320, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Life on Fire / Kingdom 320 Programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

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